Monday 16 September 2013


Hellooooooooo! My name is Nadira Nurul Fadhilah. I want to share about my strength, weakness, and wishes. It’s just an opinion so don’t worry if you don’t really agree with me hehehe. In life, someone has strength, weakness, and wishes. As Mahatma Gandhi, Indian political and spiritual leader, said “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will” and “The weak never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong”. In my friends and I opinion, i have some strength and weakness. First of all, I think I’m not too easy to make friend with someone new. Sometimes, I don’t want to start the conversation first. I get friends because my close friends introduce me to him or her. But, I will talk to him or her if they are just doing nothing to introduce himself or herself to me. Besides, I think I’m a loyal friend. When someone becomes my close friend, I can talk, walk, and play with him or her for many hours without feeling so bored. In fact, I’m very happy if I spend my time with them and can meet them everyday. Second, if someone tell his or her problems, I will listen to their story. But, sometimes I can’t give an advice for their problems, just listen to their problems and doing nothing besides say “be patient” and................silent. HAHAHA. Oh ya, except for my bestfriend because I know his or her story from the first until now. Third, in a teamwork, I’m doing my best for them, such as do all the things that I should have done. But, I can’t be the leader for that. I can’t manage the things that we should do and especially the people. And then, sometimes I’m too lazy to share my opinion and just sit and agree with the people’s opinion even when I don’t. Hahaha. And then, I can wake up about at 5 a.m., when some people don’t want to wake up early when it was a weekend. I can wake up so early because my mother doesn’t want her daughter just sleep and doing nothing. My mother gets angry when i woke up at 5.30 a.m. although it’s just a half from 5 a.m. She said, “wake up! you have to do the pray. It’s 5 a.m! You won’t wake up if I don’t wake you up. How could it be when you become adult?” Yaaaaah, that’s ok for me, maybe. I think that is one of my strength hahaha. And another weakness is that I can’t gain weight so easily hahaha, when some people can. But, it doesn’t really important for me. I wish that I can keep my strength and change my weakness into something better. I haven’t decided which job I wanna do yet. Maybe, I want to be an architect but I think my drawing isn’t really good. And the other I want to be a chemist. Yaaaah, it’s just a wishes, I hope I can be the person I want, just keep trying so we can get what we want.

Sunday 15 September 2013

The Paper Boy

A clump of hair smacked across Colin's face. The wind even tried wrestling him to the ground. Instead of newspapers, it felt as if Colin’s news-bag was full of Nova Scotia potatoes.
Maybe it had to do with the news dad read before Colin left the house. The morning headlines were full of the usual sad stories.
"For goodness sakes," dad said. "No good news again!"
Colin wished he could have been able to cheer up dad. He moved quickly from house to house leaving papers on the porch or in the mailbox.
It helped being the fastest runner in the school and even wearing his new running shoes.
Right now Colin wished he could bring only good news to his family, also to his friendly neighbors. "There's that paper boy bringing sad news again," they were probably saying.
"How could he make things better for everyone?" he wondered as he continued to deliver his papers.
He met Nathan near Victoria Park. Colin really liked Nathan, even if his words sometimes got mixed up.
Someone told him Nathan was mentally challenged. But Colin didn't care. Nathan was his friend.
Colin noticed Alice coming. She was in his class. She only had one real eye. The other was made of glass. He liked Alice even if people called her, "Bionic lady," behind her back.
He didn't realize how much It helped her, having a friend like Colin.
The dog down the street barked loudly. Prince was lonely tied to his chain and Colin knew all he needed was a good friend. He always liked to pat the dog's head.
Prince's breath was warm as he licked Colin's hand.
"It's okay boy," he told the dog.
Each time Colin left a paper by a customer's door he felt bad, such sad news. How could he make some good news? He thought about it a lot, as he made his rounds.
Colin gave his usual cheerful "Hi" to everyone on his route. Adults and children on both sides of the street yelled and waved back.
His smile was like the rising sun.
Someone was crying and he ran to where a little boy had fallen and hurt his leg. Colin calmed him down until the boy's mother arrived.
"I'm glad you're my paperboy," she told Colin.
He continued on his route, still ten more customers to go. But, he didn't feel tired. It was fun doing what he usually did, helping others.
Now, let's see. What else could he do to cheer up people?
His best friend Donna came by to pick up her paper. It saved him from going all the way to the second floor.
It was her way of saying ‘thanks’ for giving her a chance to earn money, helping him on Saturdays. She was saving money for Christmas presents.
Besides, he liked Donna a lot.
Mr. Weatherby was such a grouch but Colin didn't mind. His car was not working, again. And Mr. Weatherby's lawn was all grown up, again.
Colin would come later and cut the grass. No charge, again.
He raced up the street to his last customer. Colin had quite a bit of energy left, as he bounded up the stairs. Mrs. Williams saw him coming and had her usual snack waiting.
She wondered why such a lively boy always had time to chat with an old lady.
Lemonade and his favorite peanut butter cookies were a neat treat. After all, she had told him many times he was her favorite paperboy.
His own treat for his customers came from his little boy's heart. Colin was so full of joy, and it made him many friends.
Everyone looked forward to his daily trips with the newspaper, even if some of the news was sad.
There were customers from all over. Some even came from China and Africa. Others had thick, wavy hair and some, no hair.
Colin didn't mind. He liked them all.
Some of his customers were fat, others skinny. And some had customs and clothes, which were different. But it didn't matter to Colin.
He liked them all.
Colin did have much good news to share, even if he didn't realize it. His smile and polite manners brought cheering-up news to all his customers.
Yes, Colin was a very special paperboy.


Theme :
Cheerfulness.  This story is telling us about always cheer up people and help them when they need something               
Plot :
The story begin when the headlines of a newspaper that Colin brought   were full of the usual sad story. So Colin gives his happiness to others by said hello to everyone and helping them.

Characters :
1.  Colin
2.  Colin’s dad
3.  Nathan
4.  Alice
5.  A little boy
6.  Donna
7.  Mr. Weatherby
8.  Mrs. Williams

Setting/Background :
1.  Place               : house, Victoria Park, Mr. Weatherby’s lawn
2.  Atmosphere      : cheerful
3.  Time                : Morning

Moral Value :
We have to cheer up others when they are sad and helping them with no charge. Giving your happiness to everyone can make their day although you don’t know.

Monday 9 September 2013


Now let me tell you about the facts of giraffe.
Giraffe is well-known for tall profile, their long neck, and their pattern. Despite giraffe being easily recognizeable, there are facts about giraffe that make them worth a closer look.

Giraffe is the tallest of all living land animals. The height is nearly 6 m or 19ft. Their long neck consists of just seven vertebrae, same with other mammals, but in giraffe each neck vertebrae is greatly elongated.

The okapi is the closest living relative to the giraffe. Giraffe belong to the family Giraffidae. Giraffeidae is subdivided into two subgroups, the genus Giraffa and the genus Okapia.

Giraffe prefer habitat where there is an abundance of acacia trees on which they feed. Giraffe has a preference for feeding on young leaves but will eat grasses and other plant matter.

Giraffe has short horns on their head also known as ossicones. Both male and female giraffes have horns. The ossicones of giraffes remain covered by skin and fur. Ossicones can help to distinguish between male and female giraffe. Females have hair on the top of the ossicones. Males usually have bare-topped ossicones (the hair often worn away during combat with other males)

White giraffe is extremely rare and are not albinos. All of these white giraffes have had some pigmentation, either dark eyes or true albino giraffe have ever been discovered.

Giraffes have longer forelegs than hind legs.

A giraffe’s heart has high enough pressure to pump blood up the giraffe’s long neck to its head. But when giraffe lowers its head it risks injury due to excessive blood pressure. To counter this, giraffes have pressure-regulating system which restricts the amount of blood that rushes towards the brain when the giraffe lowers its head.